Saving energy on our hot water

Saving energy on our hot water

Important Questions to Ask When Buying a Home With a Septic Tank

Lucy Rice

A septic tank is not uncommon for homes that are a bit remote, as connecting to the city sewer lines can be difficult for homes that are many miles or kilometres away from main sewer lines. These tanks may also be more common in older homes that were never connected to city sewer lines when they were installed. Whatever the reason for a septic tank to be on a property, note a few important questions to ask when you're thinking of buying such a home; this will ensure the septic tank is in good condition.

Ask how often it's emptied and cleaned

Note a chart of the expected schedule for regular emptying and cleaning of the size of tank, according to the number of occupants of the home, and compare the homeowner's response. However, you don't want to hear that the tank has been emptied and cleaned too often, as this may signal a problem with the tank; clogging and leaks can often result in a more frequent cleaning schedule. On the other hand, a homeowner shouldn't have neglected regular cleaning, as this can mean that solid waste was allowed to sit in the tank, leading to corrosion and other damage.

Ask the construction of the tank

Don't assume that you want a large, steel or aluminium septic tank, even though metal sounds very durable. Steel can rust and corrode over time, and aluminium may weaken around the connectors holding the metal pieces together. A plastic, seamless tank will usually have far fewer issues with corrosion and leaking than any metal tank, and a lightweight tank may also have fewer risks of sinking into the soil under it. Never assume that a plastic tank is somehow cheaper and less durable, as it can actually be a stronger option than metal.

Ask if you can perform a dye test

A dye test refers to adding a safe dye to the toilet, sinks, and showers of the home and letting it run into the septic tank, and then inspecting the area around the tank and the nearby leaching field. If you see the dye collecting on the surface of the soil, this means the tank has a leak. If you cannot see the dye in the leaching field, this can signal a clog. If the homeowner doesn't want you to perform this type of dye test, this often means there is a problem with the tank and that it needs repairs.

For more information, contact companies like Econocycle.


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Saving energy on our hot water

I have 4 teenagers in the house and the moment and they take a lot of showers between them. It can get very expensive to go through that much hot water which is why we have recently had a solar hot water system installed. It is a great way to save money on how water when you have a family that takes a lot of hot showers and it is also very cost effective. This blog has some tips on choosing a solar hot water system for a large damilu and should be useful for anyone looking to save time and money.
