Saving energy on our hot water

Saving energy on our hot water

Three Reasons To Arrange for Asbestos Inspection and Removal From Your Home

Lucy Rice

Before the 1980s, asbestos was regularly used in the construction industry and is thus present in many homes. You can arrange an asbestos inspection and removal if you need clarification about your house. Here are several reasons to have this done. 


It is surprising how many products contain asbestos. For example, it can be in old insulation, vinyl flooring, carpet underlay or behind tiles. For this reason, it's wise to undertake an asbestos survey before a renovation project.

An inspector can take samples of suspicious materials to be tested in a laboratory. After the process, you will know the whereabouts of any asbestos and whether removal is advisable. You will then be able to renovate safely.

Otherwise, it can be dangerous to rip up the flooring in an old house without knowing exactly what lies underneath. Plus, you might disturb hidden asbestos if you cut into wall materials.


Even if you don't plan to remodel, you can arrange a survey and asbestos removal for safety's sake. Asbestos is dangerous when the fibres become airborne and are inhaled, and this can potentially happen to any asbestos on a property.

As products deteriorate with age, they are more likely to release fibres. This could occur, for instance, in an old shed in your backyard made from asbestos-containing fibro sheets.

Some products contain a non-friable form of asbestos, meaning the asbestos is bonded within the material and is not loose. However, this situation can change as the products decay or are disturbed. Friable forms of asbestos, such as insulation, are crushable by hand, so the fibres can more easily escape into the air.


Another reason to get an asbestos inspection is when selling your house. If asbestos is found, you can then have it removed if so advised.

The benefit to buyers is that they can have the assurance that your house is safe; the asbestos check removes a potential unknown. It could give your property an advantage over others in the market, for which a buyer will either be in the dark about its asbestos content or will have to pay themselves for a check, not knowing the outcome.

If you do have asbestos removed, it will be done safely without contaminating your home. The removalist will wear protective gear and use technology to help prevent loose fibres from becoming airborne. Afterward, they will test the atmosphere with air monitoring equipment before they give clearance that your home is free of asbestos fibres.


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Saving energy on our hot water

I have 4 teenagers in the house and the moment and they take a lot of showers between them. It can get very expensive to go through that much hot water which is why we have recently had a solar hot water system installed. It is a great way to save money on how water when you have a family that takes a lot of hot showers and it is also very cost effective. This blog has some tips on choosing a solar hot water system for a large damilu and should be useful for anyone looking to save time and money.
