Saving energy on our hot water

Saving energy on our hot water

  • Why People Have a Hard Time Clearing Out Clutter, and How You Can Overcome This

    Do you know that your home is very cluttered and overrun with items that serve no purpose and which you'll probably never use again? Do you still have a hard time getting rid of items, even if you know they're past their prime or that you won't use them in the future? This is a very common problem for people, and for a few reasons in particular. Note how to overcome this reluctance in getting rid of cluttered items around your home so you can create a safe and comfortable environment without all that extra mess.

  • 3 Reasons That Can Lead to a Successful Tree Removal Permit Application

    A tree removal permit is often issued by local council authorities to prevent unregulated removal of trees that could lead to soil erosion, loss of scenic beauty and attractiveness, as well as decline in property values. If you live in a locality that requires you to apply for this permit before you can fell any tree in your yard, you should be in a position to justify why you need to remove the tree/trees in your application.

  • What to do to improve the air quality in your home

    The air quality in your home can have a huge impact on you and your family's health. Mould, faeces from pests and gas leaks can all be very harmful to your health and lead to serious illness. This is a problem also because it's difficult to know if the air in your home is polluted with things like this. However, there are ways to avoid this. To improve the air quality in your home and thereby improve the health of you and your family, there are a few things you can do.

2023© Saving energy on our hot water
About Me
Saving energy on our hot water

I have 4 teenagers in the house and the moment and they take a lot of showers between them. It can get very expensive to go through that much hot water which is why we have recently had a solar hot water system installed. It is a great way to save money on how water when you have a family that takes a lot of hot showers and it is also very cost effective. This blog has some tips on choosing a solar hot water system for a large damilu and should be useful for anyone looking to save time and money.
